09 Oct Children at meditation in CDM, Shah Alam
Teaching Christian Meditation to children in Sunday School is an ongoing process in Church of Divine Mercy in Shah Alam since 2012.
Currently we have 1200 children. As for the teachers most of them are very committed but as expected teachers come and go, hence the need for regular input and reminders which has been carried out over the years.
On 5/6/18, our Parish Priest and Spiritual Director, Fr Gerard met with a total of 93 teachers, he mentioned that he observed some classes were not practicing meditation.
During the session, teachers viewed a dvd “A guide to teach Christian Meditation to children”, Fr.Gerard gave a talk on how to meditate and encouraged teachers themselves to meditate.
A simple card on how to meditate was given to teachers “.Simply begin Simply’ We hope to meet soon to meditate together.
St.Thomas More parish has about 700 children in Sunday School. Most classes practice meditation but some classes do it as and when.
In St.Ignatius Church, only pre-school and Std.1 and Std.2 have been meditating since 2017, this year they have included Std.3.
A big Thank You to all Sunday School teachers for introducing Christian Meditation to our children.